
The house Empereur is the oldest hardware store in France. Installed in the heart of Marseille since its creation in 1827, it is an institution for several generations of Marseillais. When we say hardware, we mean retail trade, for professionals as well as for individuals, of DIY tools, scrap metal parts of various sizes, and household utensils. Screws, planes of all kinds, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, saws, levels, punches, drills, mallets, pliers, stone tools, and many others. The trade of all these more or less unusual parts made and still makes the reputation of Emperor. Being a hardware dealer is his very first profession. The oldest hardware store in Marseille and in France, working primarily with the Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV), honors in this section the high quality articles of the old French factories. You are in Marseille ? Come and visit us !