A shiny pewter baby teeth box handmade in France by a historic pewter pottery manufacturer.
Two models available: plain or rabbit.
A great gift for toddlers as they begin to lose their little quenches and enter the "age of reason".
The little pewter tooth box will easily find its place on a chest of drawers in the child's bedroom, to be kept from generation to generation as a keepsake. Ideal for a birth or christening gift!
- Hand-wash with a soft sponge and soapy water. Wipe well and do not allow to air dry to avoid marks from water drops on the pewter
- A deeper cleaning of the pewter to restore shine with a paste based on flour and white vinegar to be applied by polishing with a damp cloth
- Use a special pewter polishing paste for polishing
- Avoid using a silver metal cleaner
- Do not use the dishwasher