Bialetti Moka Express coffee maker
The mythical Italian moka coffee maker, or macchinetta, for a wake-up call with a taste of Italy
Alphonso Bialetti's company, which patented it under the name of Moka Express in 1933, continues to produce this coffee maker, which has since become a must-have for lovers of old-fashioned Italian coffee, strong in taste and mild in caffeine.
Compatible with all burners except induction.
Available in 6 sizes: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 or 18 cups.
This type of coffee maker uses steam under ascending pressure for a coffee with a strong aroma
Maintenance: not dishwasher safe. Wash with a sponge and soap. Descale from time to time by boiling white vinegar or scrubbing gently with citric acid, rinse well
Change the seal when it is no longer watertight
Data sheet
- Height
- 1t : 15cm ; 3t : 17cm ; 6t : 22cm ; 9t : 26cm ; 18t : 33cm
- 1t : 11cm / 3t : 14cm / 6t : 16cm / 9t : 19cm / 12t : 12cm / 18t : 20cm
- Volume
- Aluminum
- Compositions
- Aluminium, thermoplastic
- Manufacturing
- Italian